Year 2013 allowed most investors to bid goodbye on a happy note. While many investors saw their shares claw back to some healthy levels, some have seen their shares rise at a faster pace. Nifty also is trading at an all-time high providing a ray of hope suggesting a possible bullish sentiment in the coming few months.
Vivekam’s investors have largely been benefited handsomely with timely advises and alerts sent out for appropriate action at appropriate times. As always, this is time to review how Vivekam’s suggestions have performed in the month of December 2013. There were 20 trading days in the month of December and Vivekam’s spots gives out 10 recommendations everyday and arranging them in descending order of scope to grow from the current levels.
The company with the highest scope to grow according to Vivekam’s processes will appear on top of the list followed by the second-best and so on.
As shown in the chart below, out of 200 recommendations given by Vivekam, irrespective of the size of the companies, 171 have beaten the maximum growth seen by nifty from the date of recommendation till end of the month. This worked out to a highly respectable 85.5%. On popular request Vivekam introduced a facility whereby investors can shortlist their choice by choosing large cap, mid cap or small cap. When we checked the choices given under large cap section, 152 choices out of 200 have managed to beat the index recording a success of 76%.
All stocks |
Large Cap |
MidCap |
Small Cap |
Total ideas |
200 |
200 |
200 |
80 |
Beaten Index |
171 |
152 |
189 |
62 |
% of success |
85.50% |
76% |
94.50% |
77.50% |
Vivekam’s recommendations have been very popular in the mid-cap segment for the past several years. Displaying the same trend, 189 choices out of 200 MidCap suggestions given by Vivekam have beaten the index setting a record 94.5% success rate. Vivekam normally avoids suggesting any small cap stocks unless there were at least MidCap stocks in the recent past. In the month of December Vivekam gave out 80 suggestions in small cap segment and 62 out of them have managed to beat the best of index scoring 77.5% success rate.
In the month of December the maximum rise in index between any day in the month and the last day of the month was 4.13%.
All stocks |
Large Cap |
MidCap |
Small Cap |
Peak Nifty return in 1 month |
4.13% |
4.13% |
4.13% |
4.13% |
Peak return from ideas |
54.02% |
30.62% |
54.02% |
16.76% |
Peak return out of recommendations given by Vivekam in the month of December was an unbelievable 54.02%. In the large cap segment the return was 30.62% and small cap it were 16.76% clearly displaying the strength of science in the process of investments.
Retail interest in equities seems to be emerging once again leading us to believe that the scientific process of selection, investment and divestment will yield even higher returns when the markets depth increases by wider participation from all stakeholders.
Happy Investing!